Four Hands Massage

At bossBodyMassage Full Body Massage Spa, are you looking for the pure relaxing massage to prevent sports injury? Want to correct the problems or imbalances in soft tissue caused from the arduous physical activity? Sports massage therapy is designed in such a way that will not only soothe your aching muscles but also provide relief after your big event. This specialised therapy massage, may improve performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.

In a four-hands massage, two therapists work on one client, often using synchronized moves. A four-hands massage can be like experiencing two full body massages at the same time. Good massage therapists will use the client’s body as a form of canvas onto which they choreograph slow, detailed moves of varying paces and pressures. There are a number of different styles of four-hand massage. Four-hand massage is generally more expensive than other forms of massage, since two therapists must be compensated for their time and skill.

Book A Therpy Session at bossBodyMassage Full Body Massage Spa Centre in Hyderabad

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